Lenten Devotionals
The following Lenten devotional guide provides Scriptural texts we can meditate on as a church congregation, in concert with our sermon series, to gain a deeper understanding of our sin, a closer look at the beauty of Christ, and the power of the Gospel that saves and redeems.
The following Lenten devotional guide provides Scriptural texts we can meditate on as a church congregation, in concert with our sermon series, to gain a deeper understanding of our sin, a closer look at the beauty of Christ, and the power of the Gospel that saves and redeems.
Monday, April 6 – Genesis 3:13-20, “Cursed”
Tuesday, April 7 – Genesis 28:10-15, “The Sun Had Set”
Wednesday, April 8 – Psalm 51:4, “I Sinned”
Thursday, April 9 – Isaiah 53:1-6, “All We Like Sheep”
Friday, April 10 – Zechariah 3:3-4, “Good Friday: I Have Taken Away Your Sin”
Saturday, April 11 – John 3:14-16, “Holy Saturday: Whoever Believes In Him”