Advancing the Gospel Over the Next 10 Years at Metro

The Advance Campaign
Gospel renewal in our city requires people who commit to ADVANCE the work of God through their wealth and resources
Our Vision
Our hope is for Metro's congregants to:
- Be fruitful through their giving.
- Shift from "ministry consumers" to "ministry partners".
- Make disciples of Jesus Christ through every resource afforded to each individual.
Our Need
Our desire is three-fold to:
- Lease and furnish a space in the city that will serve as an adequate ministry resource center for the next 10 years.
- Fund our core team of pastors with full-time salaries.
- Enable new resources who can be trained for ministry.
Our Ask
We ask that you pledge and commit to:
- Increase your regular giving (up to and beyond the tithe, 10% of your salary).
- Donate additional funds to the Advance Campaign over the next 3 years to support our need.

What This Requires
We are asking you to wrestle with, and own, our vision and need to ADVANCE the gospel over the next 10 years by:
- Faithfully assessing and discerning God’s call for you and your family
- Actively embracing and loving the city with the gospel in unique, practical, sacrificial ways
Advance Commitment Guide
Please use this guide as a helpful resource to learn more about this campaign.
Read the Guide